Corporate Information

The West Somerset Railway is operated by the West Somerset Railway PLC, which leases the line and buildings from Somerset County Council under a long lease, currently expiring in 2088.

The company employs about 40 staff and has around 800 active volunteers. It is supported by a number of related organisations operating on the railway, who with representative of the local authorities and volunteers comprise the Partnership Development Group.

The members of the Board are:

  • Jonathan Jones Pratt (Chairman)
  • Frank Courtney (Special Projects)
  • Joy Boswell (FInance and Company Secretary)
  • Rowan Joachim (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Rachel Stoneham (Financial Planning)

Board Advisers:

Malcolm Smith (Operations)

Robin Wichard (External Fundraising)

Management Team

  • Kerry Noble (General Manager)
  • Seb Welsh (Operations)
  • Peter Chilcott (Infrastructure)
  • Ryan Pope (Mechanical Engineering)
  • David Noble (Retail & Catering)
  • Samantha White (Sales & Marketing)