West Somerset Cider Festival

21st May, 2024

Around the world, enthusiasts clink their glasses together and make a toast to Somerset's greatest product - Cider. This apple-based drink is adored and considered a favourite from Japan to America. Somerset is the home of cider and there are many local producers in the West Somerset area. To celebrate our heritage, the RNLI are holding a festival event at the West Somerset Railway on Minehead Station on Saturday 1st June between 10am and 6pm. We will be running a blue timetable that day, so there is plenty of opportunity to come and visit!

The event is a celebration of local cider and apple producers, featuring 5 different producers, all of whom are artisan exponents of the art of making Cider. Each producer will have a static display where their products will be sold. In addition, there will be a number of musical entertainers from the local area through the day.

Catering displays will be selling locally sourced products, with a hog roast and BBQ. An RNLI fundraising display will be accompanied by bucket collectors in the railway station area.

The aim of the day is to celebrate local producers from the Minehead and Watchet area as well as to raise funds for the local lifeboat station in Minehead.

The RNLI is a critical emergency charity which relies on the support and sponsorship from the public. In 2022 the Minehead Lifeboat Station responded to 0ver 40 “shouts” and was credited for saving 10 lives on their 30-mile stretch of the Somerset Coast.

Put the date in your diary and make sure to support this very worthy cause!